Tuesday, March 8, 2011


English is on its way to becoming the main language of the world. There are more nonnative speakers of English than native speakers now, just in China alone there are more children studying English than there are Britons! With all this globalization of the English language there is bound to be some effects on the language itself. The English language is evolving and changing more rapidly than ever before seen, with all these nonnative speakers changing and adding to our language. English is evolving into different dialects around the world were each version of the English language is very different than the next. Just in the United States we can see the change with our huge Hispanic influence. New words such as enchiladas, chimichanga and leche are known to all Native Americans. Spanglish is spoken everywhere and many Hispanic nonnative’s are infusing the English language with their bold culture.

This changing of our language can be seen throughout the rest of the globe as well. Carla Power writes in her article titled “Not the Queen’s English” that “the new English-speakers aren’t just passively absorbing the language they’re shaping it.” Power continues on that “New Englishes” are being created everywhere in the world. These new dialects of the English language are complex and completely different from the other. We have Englog (Tagalog-English), Japlish (Japanese-English), Hinglish (Hindu-English), and a different version of English spoken in South Africa that they obviously have not come up with a nifty name for yet.

English is becoming the main language for anyone in the world to learn and communicate in if they want to succeed in the business world. Millions and millions of citizens from every country are clamoring to learn this language to better their chances of making a better living for themselves and their families. So with all these different people learning one single language there will be the evolution of the language. When any person learns a new language different from their own they will always have trouble mastering it. I know when I took French class during my second semester at AVC I had some trouble, luckily for me though French was similar to Spanish another language I am somewhat proficient in. But imagine a Chinese middle schooler trying to learn our language which has nothing in common with their native language. Of course these new speakers are going to change some words and make it easier for them to learn the complex English language. With all these new cultures and personalities learning and speaking our language there is going to be splicing and infusing of their languages and cultures into our own. The globalization of the English language is having an extreme effect on the language we all speak in the United States. New dialects of our language are growing everywhere on the globe and soon we may not be fluent in our own language. This evolution of language and culture is inevitable and I think it is something that should be embraced and not something that should be frowned upon. 


  1. I completely agree with you! Why does everybody get so offended? Nobody said that you can't speak your own native language at all. English would just be the standard form of comunication. You don't see anybody get the panties in a bunch over what form of measurement you use. I think its funny that it's not the immigrants that actually have a problem. It's some loud person that uses them for propaganda to play on our emotions.

    The statement that I thought was so great in "The Queens English" was the little 12 year old that said that if you don't know English its like your deaf and dumb. I thought that was such a great analogy! I have never been in that situation but I do have a fear that it would feel just like that in a foreign country. I can't imagine how it must feel!

    There are children in my kids school that come to class and they don't speak a word of English. That would be such a scary thing for anyone! I would develope a complex. With my luck I would end up in the mens bathroom, or eating food that had expired or something!

  2. I couldn’t agree more! I find it extremely interesting to think on an economical scale. So many Americans feel weak and are not supportive of the economical situation we are in today (I don’t blame them) However with that being said the other countries rely on us regardless of the circumstance. That just means that in order for other countries to be successful on a global level they have to adhere to the fact that English is the dominant language. You used a perfect example “China” we are so intertwined in trade that they understand the importance of the English language. This is why there country as a whole make learning the English language a priority. They realize that in order to be successful they must begin their teaching of the English language to children. This will only provide for a more promising future. There is controversy on whether or not the English language should be the official language of America. Do you have any thoughts on this idea? I mean naturally English is continuing to grow to be and maintain it’s dominance, I say why not? I admire your eagerness to become more educated globally. I took spanish in high school but have considered traveling a lot after my college career. I find this particular topic to be so interesting. I often times wonder what it would be like to have to adhere to another country.
