Friday, March 25, 2011


Nonverbal cues are some of the ways that we project our feelings and intentions to others. Sometimes a look can tell more than a conversation. In the game of poker the players look for that certain tell that allows them to figure out if their opponent is bluffing or not. This search for the “tell” of others allows us to understand what another is really feeling. I have many tells that project certain feelings and ideas to others around me. For instance my body language is normally very open and welcoming, I am a big people person and I like meeting new people throughout my day. So my body language reflects that to others. When I am mad though I tense up and you can clearly read it on my face. I get flustered, hot, and do not talk as much as I usually do. I also supposedly make a certain face when I am angry, an old friend and coworker of mine pointed it out to me one day at work. People can usually look at my face and that instantly lets them know how I am feeling. When I am happy I smile a lot and look cheerful, my face is pretty much like a book. I like to think that I have a good outlook on life and figure that we only live once so why not try to be happy most of it. I think that others can see from the nonverbal cues that I feel this way and respond well to it.

I also dress I bit differently than most, I really dislike clothes from stores like American Eagle and Abercrombie and Fitch.  It never really appealed to me and I like to draw my inspiration from different decades instead of this one. I like the fashions from the forties, fifties and this reflects in my dress style. I love, love thrift stores and rather go to them instead of the mall. I do have to admit I shop at Forever 21, and I am so happy to see floral popular again because I have a place to stock up before it goes out of fashion again. And then I am left with having to look hard for it again. My friend say I dress like a grandma and the customers I have at work dig the whole retro look I have. I just like to play with the clothes I wear and believe that they say a lot about the person you are so I pay attention to what I wear every day. So if a stranger was to look at me dressed on a normal day I think they would pick up that I am a person who likes some thins not very mainstream and have different taste and likes. I love when people like what I am wearing and we have a moment were we connect. Fashion bringing people together! That sounds very silly, but the nonverbal cues given out by people can either project that they are open to communication or that you should not even go near them. These cues are a powerful tool that allows others to glance for a moment, into a person and guess who they really are.   

1 comment:

  1. I have to say that you inspire me. During these weeks of studying communication I have become very aware of the message I send people just by my nonverbal cues. Unlike you I am shy and reserved. I don't really talk much and usually stay quiet. This has been clearly projected in my cues because I am always folding my arms or looking down when I walk. I have come to realize that it is not because I have self confidence issues, ts just that I am not much of a spotlight person. I like to listen to others and let them be the center of attention. One thing that has been an issue, especially at my work, is that my facial expression is always serious or angry. This is so funny to me because I am a happy person and I have my moments of complete outgoing-ness...they are however few.
    You inspire me to be more open and willing to let people see me for me. I have been trying to focus on how I carry myself...and it doesn't mean that I have to be outgoing and speak to every person, just that it is important that people see that I am a good, happy person.
    The power of nonverbal communication is something that we all underestimate and it is a daily process to focus on and change.
